Thursday, November 12, 2015

 I was at the grocery store today with my husband and God prompted a Word in my Spirit but I didn't even realize it until later, when I was at work of course. Truth be told God had started pouring elements of the word into my heart, mind and circumstance a few months earlier. So, it went something like this- between my husband and daughter there was a stern determination to bring summer back, at least in the fruit section anyway. Our cart began to be filled with all things summer-watermelon, mango, citrus and strawberries etc. I, being the penny watcher that I am, was less worried about the tasty fruits and their yummy goodness as I was about the fact that just a few short weeks ago strawberries were a meager $.99 pert container and now they lunked in the cart at a heavy $4.99!!!!!! This fact alone made me stop and re-evaluate our current situation. I explained to my unappreciative co-shoppers that the season for these wonderful offerings had passed and that if they just "had to have them" they we certainly not be getting the quantity they desired, or not at all if there was even an inkling that there was some GMO agents present that allowed these items to simply exist at this time. Later on at work, I suppose I was still stirring a bit about having been dupped into buying a $4 watermelon (and I am talking about a small, person pan sized watermelon), when God dropped the word in my heart like a weight (yet again). Seasons, Krystal, life is all about seasons. The Word tells us in Ecclesiastes 3 that to every thing under the sun there is a season in which it is to happen. This is true about everything in life, the good the bad and the fruity. Things change, time goes on, things grow and they die-so is life,and it happens whether we want it to or not, whether we approve or not. The beauty in life, harmony can be found in learning to move in tandem with God and in enjoying the fruits of the season. I am not an advocate of paying a higher premium, or contributing to the need for genetically engineered products to appease a person, but I must admit regardless of the time of year I love a good bunch of juicy grapes. However, God is teaching me in THIS season of life to love the fruit of the season, or at the very least learn to appreciate them because all things taste sweeter in their own season, they leave the earth in proper shape and provide the greatest amount benefit when they are cultivated and harvested in their own season, When the season is upon you to cultivate and reap patience, God may till the ground of your heart with difficulty, and an endless showering of hard times, but He fully understands the need to get it just so to reap the greatest harvest. So in whatever season you may find yourself, simply learn to dance in the rains of spring, soak up the sun of summer, enjoy the crisp air of fall and appreciate the renewal that comes from the hibernation of winter, God sees the end from the beginning and He wants you to be the sweetest and most vital you can be when the peak of your harvest time comes.

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