Monday, January 25, 2016

When your boss stops through.....

      As I was at work today I became overwhelmed at the work God has been doing in our lives and through this ministry and it brought me to a place of awe. It was something deeply needed too, like  the balm in Gilead, the place of awe is a place I long to be at all times but it seems to be fleeting all too often. However, today God brought me back there with a simple string of thoughts. DISCLAIMER- Now what I am about to say is in no way to create shine for the young people of the ministry, as ALL glory goes to God, but I need you to follow me and it is relevant to the story. That being said here we go-
      At nearly every show that M.A.D.E. 4 Christ ministers at there comes a point in the show where appreciation is expressed, and there always seems to be slightly more 'accolade' attributed to M.A.D.E. than to some of the others present. Now my theory behind this is that these young people are incredibly sincere about spreading the Gospel versus becoming rap stars, they are more focused on the glory of God than on shining light upon themselves and God has gifted them with great talent and amazing spirits of humility. I digress. At any rate, there was a point in time where there was so much stacked against us all I did was question were we doing the will of God? Were we carrying out His plan? Was He even pleased with us? Did He really give us the vision of M.A.D.E. 4 Christ? Or were we all just way off base? Don't get me wrong, there were moments that I had that assured feeling that God was smiling down on us, providing inspiration and encouragement, but those were few and far between. I became, in those times, very familiar with the Scriptures that pointed out that even Jesus Himself received no honor in His own town, but I still could not reckon what we were going through with what we were trying to do. You see, I understand the cost of the Cross and that when God sends you to do a work it is going to make some people angry, turn some against you and cost more than you counted at the start, but that wasn't suppose to include being rejected and betrayed by the very people you were trying to help, or having every little bit of effort you made scrutinized and slandered. Or did it? That was in fact the very thing Jesus experienced- betrayed by the ones closest to Him, rejected by those He came to save and slandered by all in between.
      Where was I going with this again? Oh yeah, that's right, God let me in on a secret and set me on my way yet again today. As He was playing the truths in my minds eye and reminding me of the times He used M.A.D.E. to minister, how far He had brought us and all we had been through together, and even all the times people tried to tear us and the ministry apart. I felt sad, overwhelmed and appreciative all at the same time. It was in that moment God spoke this to my heart- "When the boss stops by and tells you "good job", you don't have to worry about what your co-works have to say". I kid you not, this time my head almost erupted!!!! I mean, this was such a revelation for me. People in the body of Christ are gifted with different approaches to ministry, not even just modern time either but even in the days of the Bible. Paul and Peter had varying views and approaches to ministry and they couldn't see eye to eye, but that was not to the discredit of either man or their ministry. However, some members see "different" as "wrong" or "less important"and have no qualms about letting people know about their objections.
      With all that being said, the next time you feel like your labor in ministry, regardless of what it is or how many times you feel insignificant or like you may have missed the mark altogether, just seek the 'Boss' and when He sends the confirmation that you are on track, hold on to it and don't worry about what your co-workers have to say.
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ- Colossians 3:23

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